An Introduction to the Art & Science of Johannes Liechtenauer’s Medieval German Longsword

This book will provide an opportunity to study the martial system behind the Art that is medieval German longsword, as taught by Johannes Liechtenauer in the mid 14th Century and glossed by Sigmund Ringeck the Elder (c 1502). The contents include a brief explanation of medieval training practices, followed by a detailed description of the late medieval longsword, including an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the various training simulators available. The book then covers Liechtenauer’s five Maisterhaw and the four Guards, including Ringeck’s additional static positions. These are expanded in considerable detail, explaining the proper stance, weight distribution and movement involved, as well as the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each element. This is combined with vitally important martial principles necessary to provide a new scholar with a fundamental understanding of the Art.



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